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Your Criteria: Age: All Ages Price: All Prices Category: Vehicles - Riding
Name: Go Glider - Pink Company: GLIDE BIKES Age: 5-10 Price: $129.99 Category: Vehicles - Riding
What It Is This balance bike is created for 5- to 10-year-olds who are still working to perfect the art and balance of bike riding. It does not have training wheels or pedals, and is outfitted with 16" EVA foam tires and an adjustable seat and handlebars. What We Thought A 7-year-old girl who tested out the Pink Go Glider had a blast, commenting that, "It´s like a scooter but more fun." She had a very easy time navigating the bike and learning how to ride it. She felt very safe on the Go Glider, too, except when riding downhill; she thought she might have more control over a regular bike in that situation. Her younger sister, 4, had a harder time riding the bike but enjoyed it, nonetheless, as long as someone was around to supervise. [There´s also a Mini Glider for ages 2 to 5.] The bike´s strong, sturdy quality speaks for itself, as does its potential for fun! It does, however, carry a higher price-point than some balance and traditional bikes. Why They´ll Want It In addition to the rich pink shade (blue and red are also available), this bike offers adjustability to grow with the child, and provides a sturdy base for kids to learn the balance and confidence they need for riding. Since most balance bikes are sized for younger children, this one distinctively opens up opportunities for a different age range, including use in therapy and development for kids with disabilities. It features quality construction and keeps children active, which is something both parents and their kids can appreciate. — Julie L. Jones, 4/1/2009
Learn more about Go Glider - Pink
Back to top Name: Triton: The Ultimate Three-Wheeled Cruiser Company: ASA PRODUCTS INC. Age: All Ages Price: $379 Category: Vehicles - Riding
What It Is This three-wheeled cruiser is a smooth, low-riding alternative to biking or “scooting.” It has an adjustable frame, pedals at the front so that legs are comfortably stretched forward while riding, and unique, side-handle steering. What We Thought The Triton certainly offers a good workout because being in such a reclined position challenges the leg muscles to take on the brunt of the work. I particularly appreciated the adjustability of the frame and the supportive seatback, which encouraged me to remember proper posture. The two side handles for steering keep the arms in a very natural position, as opposed to reaching forward as one would on a bicycle, and offer a nice effect given the decent turning radius of the cruiser. I had a little trouble getting the mudguards to fit snugly over the tires (they move back and forth a bit), but on the whole, the Triton wasn’t too difficult to assemble. The cruiser boasts a solid foundation but is also on the heavy side, so it´s not the most convenient for portability. I should mention, though, that ASA Products has a new cruiser model, the Mobo, with a folding design, which I imagine is much more conducive to both transport and storage. Why They’ll Want It The Triton gives a riding experience that’s distinctive from what many ride-ons offer. It would be especially nice to enjoy along the beach, and might be a good complement to a regular workout schedule. Also, parents will likely appreciate that its low-to-the-ground configuration makes it feel a little safer. — Julie L. Jones, 3/24/2009 What Others Thought One Amazon.com reviewer raved about this product and gave it 5 out of 5 stars, but another posted a discussion saying that three out of the four Tritons he received were defective in some way. The product received four 5-star ratings and one 1-star rating on Overstock.com, where it was lauded for relaxed seating, the different sizes available, adjustability, solidity and exercise potential. The one negative review complained about broken wheels and brakes. The pink cruiser garnered 5 stars on Target.com from three reviewers, all of whom noted how wonderful it is for kids with disabilities.
Learn more about Triton: The Ultimate Three-Wheeled Cruiser
Back to top Name: SLIDER™ the Unscooter™ Company: IDEA MILL LLC Age: 3 and up Price: $179.95 Category: Vehicles - Riding
What It Is SLIDER the Unscooter is a three-wheeled vehicle that gives the thighs a mighty workout. Essentially, it is a hybrid between a scooter, skis and a ThighMaster. Unlike a scooter, you need never push your foot against the ground; the motion is all in the legs and hips. Easy to ride and maneuver, it’s a fun and different way of propelling yourself downtown.
What We Thought We took turns Unscooting on SLIDER in the office courtyard, and it was easily our favorite ride-on. In that tight space, we could still take corners and even build up speed without much effort. You can propel it by scissoring your legs or swaying side to side, and more daring riders could, I’m sure, devise a myriad of tricks and other methods of getting from here to there right quick. The SLIDER was pretty easy to assemble and can stand alone without needing a kickstand.
Why They’ll Want It Kids who want to go fast would love the SLIDER. Parents who are trying to encourage their kids to be more active will love it even more. It’s a great way to exercise your body without putting stress on the joints, and a fun way to go fast without expending fuel — but fear not, parents, the hand breaks works really well. — TDmonthly Staff, 3/17/2009
Learn more about SLIDER™ the Unscooter™
Back to top Name: Ultimate Family Wagon Company: RADIO FLYER Age: All Ages Price: $179 Category: Vehicles - Riding
What Is It? This convertible wagon can accommodate one or two riders, thanks to its pop-up, five-fold seats. For tots who like to hit the road alone, one seat can be flipped down and used as a table top or covered storage area. Both wagon seats can also be folded to make a flatbed wagon. Child seat belts and a UV-protection canopy are included, as are two child-sized and two adult-sized cup holders.
What We Thought The Ultimate Family Wagon is great for tugging the kids along on a sunny day because the canopy provides a nice shade that keeps them comfortable and helps protect them from damaging rays. Our toy tester especially appreciated the double seat, since his two little girls didn’t have to fight over who got the first wagon ride. The storage space is great for stowing favorite toys and games to keep kids amused on their journey. The large wheels and easy steering make for a comfortable ride. The handle can also stay in the “up” position, which prevents parents from having to bend down to pick it up every time the kids are ready to ride.
Why They´ll Want It The little girls who tested the Ultimate Family Wagon found it “cozy” and “fun,” said their father. Kids will love having a vehicle all their own … which they can nevertheless choose to share in their more generous moments. — Alison Marek, 5/14/07
Learn more about Ultimate Family Wagon
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