Buyer's Guide
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Johnny & The Old Oak Tree
Johnny & The Old Oak Tree
Price: $15.00
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age: 5 to 9

Johnny’s dream comes true when the majestic old oak in his backyard speaks to him.  “Johnny…my friend…I need to talk to you about our earth,” the tree whispers in a deep and gentle voice. 

As the tree house landing lifts off, join Johnny on his imaginary journey through the sky.  Learn how people of all ages can help make a difference by recycling.  Beautiful artwork and inspired story telling bring this book to life.
Sir Johnny's Recycling Adventure
Sir Johnny's Recycling Adventure
Price: $15.00
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age: 5 to 9

In Sir Johnny’s Recycling Adventure, the old oak teaches Johnny the importance of closing the recycling loop by purchasing products which are made from or packaged in recycled material.

Once again, the author captures the imagination and enthusiasm of a child enjoying the outdoors.  In the back of this book, Paulson includes several pages of take-action activities and recycling resources designed to inspire people of all ages to make a difference.
Give the gift of water for the holiday season
Give the gift of water for the holiday season

These eco-friendly soft covered 48-page books printed on recycled paper make wonderful gifts for teachers, children, home schooling groups, and eco-friendly organizations. Individuals who believe that teaching children the "yes we can" attitude about protecting the land will love these stories.

Johnny & The Old Oak Tree has a great paper making recipe using recycled materials for the frame that will allow you and your child or audience to make new paper from old paper, with only water, a blender and a used coffee can. This is a true hands on lesson about the three R's of recycling.
Donate $15.00 for one book or $30.00 for both
Donate $15.00 for one book or $30.00 for both

Click the DONATION button on the site to order an author signed copy of the book.

Donate $15.00 for one book or $30.00 for this two book series. Free shipping.

If you would like to just make a donation to this cause to make a difference in our world then go the web site and contribute your gift.


Hands On The World Global (previously Crestmont Publishing) is a non-profit organization that supports communities in need by donating the book and author proceeds to support sustainable development and education. When a book or books are purchased, presently the funds are being used to support installing water and environmental health programs in rural schools where orphans are fighting for their lives. Your donation will provide you with a beautiful full color perfectly bound book that teaches lessons about the earth but also will provide clean water to thousands of children. The author of these books spends time in South Africa working hand in hand with these communities.

Learn more by going to the web site at

4 Schindler Drive
Sparta, NJ 07462

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