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Pumponator Balloon Pumping Station
Pumponator Balloon Pumping Station
Price: $19.95
Gender: Boys And Girls

The Pumponator Balloon Pumping Station is designed to make filling balloons with water as well as air easily. Whether you are competing or just having fun in the backyard, you will love the Pumponator. Take it with you to camping, football games, parties or anywhere you want to have water balloon fun. Just fill the container with water and go! No more frustration with the runaway water hose or blowing up balloons until you are out of breath.

The Pumponator Balloon Pumping Station is filled with 500 balloons and strings for tying. (Watch the pumponator.jpg Video Watch Video)
Message from Lexi Glenn
Message from Lexi Glenn


I am Lexi Glenn, inventor of the Pumponator. I want to thank all of you that have tried my product this past summer. I really appreciate all the support and emails that I have received. I do want to make you all aware that, because the Pumponator is such a great item, there are big companies out there trying to steal it from me. None of these companies had the idea, I had the idea and now because they are already selling to big retail stores, they are pushing me aside. Why is this fair in our county for someone to try and take this from me, a 10-year-old 5th grader? For all these years no one came up with a better idea for filling water balloons until I did. I hope that if you see an item that copied me on the shelves of the big stores you will not buy it. My product is the Pumponator or the Pumponini. Any other water balloon pump is a copy of my Pumponator. Please help me stop this from happening.

Lexi Glenn


Pumponator Balloon Pumping Station was designed by Lexi Glenn, a fourth grader in SC. Lexi loves water balloons! However, she was often frustrated by the hose and faucet method of filling the balloons. She felt there had to be a better way. While searching through her grandmother's garage she came across a garden sprayer. She cleaned it up, filled it with water and began trying it on the balloons. She ran into the house to show off what she called her "new invention" to her grandmother. After many modifications in design and performance, the Pumponator was born. It is now being offered to you.

30 N. Congress Street
York, SC 29745

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