Water Babies
Price: $20.00Age: 7 and up
These delightful little resin Water Babies float on water lily leaves and cuddle in the lily's flower when placed in a bowl of water. Each baby would be a bit less than three inches tall if they "stood up"; the water lilly leaves are approximately five and three quarter inches in diameter. The set of four unique babies make wonderful centerpieces, gifts and additions to a collection. Clockwise from upper left: Liliana, Finn, Nile and Duna.
Retail is $20 each; Set of four $80
Not intended for children six years old and younger.
Fancy Circus Tulah
Price: $140.00Age: 7 and up
7" vinyl doll with blue painted eyes and red mohair wig
In her dreams to become an acrobat, soaring with ease and grace through the air, Tulah is wearing an orange, purple and lime green bodysuit with three quarter lace trimmed sleeves and lace collar detailing, covered by a short black felt jacket.
Edition limited to 750
Retail is $140
Not intended for children six years old and younger.